Sunday, March 25, 2012


If the cognitive map of The City that grew in me, in my 20s, consisted of a dynamic network of places/spaces in which to drink and smoke, then my image of this city, Berlin, now, is an expanding archipelago of Kinderspielplatzen Kinderspielplätze: Rüdesheimer Platz, Hohenstaufenplatz, Bolzplatz Böckhstraße, Hasenheide, Tempelhof, Grimmstraße ("Grimmi"), Hobrechtstraße at Pflügerstraße (what do people call that one?), Victoriapark, etc. The beer garden next to the Spielplatz in Victoriapark represents a possible, personal sort of point de capiton...


  1. I learned today that only n00bz call Hohenstaufenplatz by its official name. If you're from the Kiez, it's Zickenplatz, yo.

  2. Aha! An answer to my question about Hobrechtstraße at Pflügerstraße: Because of the carved folk-tale-ish figures set around the house and climbing structures, some locals refer to the place as Feenplatz.

    1. Oof. I busted out "Feenplatz" today and was met with blank looks. Slaps forehead. Ach. It's Märchenplatz...

    2. + it almost goes without saying that we have also visited the "big boy spielplatz" on the other side of hobrecht many times

  3. + Weichselplatz
    + Reuterplatz
    + the one across the street (Belziger) from "mein Lieblingseis frozen yogurt bar"
    + Heinrich-Lassen
    + Treptower
    + Fontanepromenade
    + Gleisdreieck

    I think that brings the list up to date.

  4. + "Spielplatz am Landwerkanal" (directly in front of Burg am See)

  5. I forgot all about this one, which R and I visited once or twice in the middle of the winter:

    + the one between Maybauchufer and Schinkestr

  6. + Kinderbauernhof (im Görlitzer Park)
    + the one next to Brachvogel

  7. + Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße e.V.

    ...and I had forgotten until today a late spring visit to:

    + Das Familien- und Nachbarschaftszentrum Kiezoase in der Barbarossastraße 65

  8. + Tiergarten (the Spielplatz not too far from where the Grosser Weg passes near to Lichtensteinallee, in the SW "quadrant")

    And there are many more Spielplätze in the Tiergarten to check out.

  9. speaking of The City (a.k.a. nyc) versus berlin: ah haha ha ah haha.

    on a more serious note, i am comforted that i am evidently not the only one who "find[s] grumbling against tourists and the English-language here [Berlin] to be xenophobia disguised as activism."

    i will go further: there is at least a strong resonance between some of the anti-gentrification rhetoric in berlin and the trope of the wandering/rootless jew one finds in the history of modern anti-semitism.

  10. + Schleiermacherstraße Ecke Fürbringerstraße

  11. + r and i visited the grunewald for the first time over the weekend. no spielplatz, technically, but worth considering as one for my purposes

  12. + Kinderspielplatz Lohmühleninsel
    + Winterfeldplatz

  13. + Jolos Kinderwelt (am Tempelhofer Berg 7d)

  14. + the indoor "Winterspielplatz" in the basement of the Baptist church on Feurigstr.

  15. m&r went to a nice one somewhere up by Rosenthaler Platz

  16. on 1. mai, r and i went to YAAM, with its super kid-friendly "beach," and, as i wrote to BT yesterday: "R finished the night by joining some other children in a jubilant, chaotic appropriation of a skateboarding half-pipe as a slide, whilst hip-hop echoed across the basketball court and the parents milled around drinking beer and helping their tots to the top of the half-pipe."

  17. on saturday we snuck into the private indoor spielplatz of "Aspria Ku'damm" on karlsruher straße and then also went to Kids Planet, whoah

  18. + several Spielplaetze in the Volkspark Friedrichshain

  19. + Volkspark Wilmersdorf (mittlerer Bereich)/Rudolph-Wilde-Park?

  20. the secret spielplatz of the hasenheide

  21. + richardplatz + shudomastr

    just remembered that R had been to the rinky dinky richardplatz one before, during the weihnachtsmarkt!

  22. + the prinzenbad has its own little spielplatz over by the wading pool

  23. a year later, on holiday, we're revisiting a lot of old haunts: Zickenplatz; Grimmi; Hasenheide (upstairs and downstairs); Weichselplatz; Tempelhof; Fuerbringerstrasse; the "big boy" Spielplatz on Hobrecht ecke Pflueger; Gleisdreieck (Ostpark (new! nice!) and Westpark); Prinzenbad; Sommerbad Neukoelln; Viktoriapark; Lohmuehleninsel...

  24. ...two years later, on an extended visit, i have lost track of both the playgrounds we've visited that are new to us and the ones that we already knew...
